2024-10-23 •
Jean Boussier
Next Generation Out of Band Garbage Collection
In this post we look at the impact of a new feature of Ruby 3.4 on Shopify's monolith. -
2023-10-24 •
Jean Boussier
Performance impact of the memoization idiom on modern Ruby
Ruby 3.2 saw the introduction of object shapes which speedup instance variables access in most cases, but can be slower in some pathological cases. -
2023-10-23 •
Jean Boussier
Effects of Pitchfork reforking on Shopify's Monolith
Over the last year, I’ve been working on a new Ruby application server called Pitchfork. In most regards it’s extremely similar to the venerable Unicorn, from which it originates, but with one major extra feature: Reforking, which reduce memory usage of Ruby applications.