The Ruby and Rails Infrastructure team at Shopify exists to help ensure that Ruby and Rails are 100-year tools that will continue to merit being our toolchain of choice.

Our goal is to be stewards of the language and ecosystem, both within Shopify and within the open-source community. We want to evolve Ruby and Rails to meet our needs, to share our approach and code with the Ruby community, to ensure Shopify is using these tools well, and to represent Shopify in that community.

We are also collaborating with other amazing people within the Rails community – with open-source contributors, with Ruby Core and Rails Core teams, and with other corporate Ruby and Rails users like Stripe, GitHub, and Gusto.

This site is intended to tell the story of Shopify’s and Rails’s evolution, but also invites participation and collaboration. It will be a public record for our work on scale, speed, and architecture, and highlight the work our collaborators are doing as well.

This is our team.